
[AHA2008] 一种炎症性疾病?——国际循环顾问委员Joseph S. Alpert谈房颤

Atrial Fibrillation- an Inflammatory Disease

作者:  JosephS.Alpert   日期:2008/11/7 10:19:00



Joseph S. Alpert, M.D.     
  Professor of Medicine, University
of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Tucson, Arizona; Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Medicine

《American Journal of Medicine》杂志主编



     绝大多数房颤患者伴有某种心血管疾病。常见的诱发房颤的心血管疾病包括高血压、瓣膜心脏疾病(特别是二尖瓣疾病)、伴有或不伴有心肌梗死病史的动脉粥样性心脏病以及充血性心力衰竭。诱发房颤的非心血管疾病包括糖尿病、甲状腺功能亢进、急性和慢性酒精中毒以及一系列肺部疾病,如慢性阻塞性肺病、肺炎、脓胸和肺栓塞。最后,房颤的潜在医源性因素包括心脏和非心脏手术,还有一系列药物,如扩张支气管的β受体激动剂、各种非处方感冒药、抗组胺药、局部麻醉药和含咖啡因的饮料4。最近的调查表明动脉炎症可能在房颤的发生、 持续和永久存在中发挥重要作用。确实,炎症标记物如白介素6和C反应蛋白在房颤患者中升高,特别是慢性房颤患者5



⑵特发的或“孤立性”房颤并不像以前认为的那样良性。Jouven 及其同事发现在患有孤立性房颤的中年法国人中,心血管死亡率升高4倍,总死亡率升高2倍7。明尼苏达州Omstead 县的最近一项研究和欧洲心力衰竭调查证实伴有或不伴有心力衰竭的新发房颤患者死亡率高,住院时间长,特别是诊断房颤后的最初4个月8,9。更值得关注的是,最近报道指出在无卒中的患者中,房颤和记忆缺陷、痴呆和海马萎缩有关10,11






Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest sustained arrhythmia in North American and European patients.  Apparently, Asians are affected less commonly by AF than are patients in the West1.  In the United States, AF affects approximately 2.2 million adults whose median age is 75. It is remarkable that nearly 10% of individuals over the age of 80 manifest this arrhythmia with a clear increase in incidence and prevalence with age1,2. During the late 20th century, the Framingham Heart Study population demonstrated a 7.8% prevalence of AF in men aged 65-74 with a corresponding prevalence in men aged 75-84 of 11.7%.  As the population of older individual has increased in industrialized nations,  the prevalence of AF in these countries has also grown1-3.  However, even  age-adjusted prevalence of AF has increased in recent years suggesting that age alone does not account for all aspects of the increased frequency with which physicians are encountering patients with this arrhythmia3. 

It is of interest that atrial fibrillation occurs approximately 1.5 times more frequently in men than in women.  For example, in the Framingham Heart Study experience, the prevalence of AF in men without a prior myocardial infarction was 8.7%.  A similar cohort of women had a prevalence of AF of only 5.2%.  Despite the gender difference in prevalence, the overall number of  female patients with AF exceeds the number of men with this condition because of greater longevity in women.  Thus, the commonest hospitalized patient with AF in US hospitals is an elderly woman. 

The vast majority of patients with AF have some form of cardiovascular disease.  Common cardiovascular conditions predisposing to AF include hypertension, valvular heart disease (especially mitral valve disease), arteriosclerotic heart disease with and without a prior myocardial infarction, and congestive heart failure.  Non- cardiovascular diseases that also predispose to AF include diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, acute and chronic alcohol abuse, and a variety of pulmonary diseases such as chronic obstructive lung disease, pneumonia, empyema, and pulmonary embolism. Finally, potential iatrogenic causes of AF include cardiac and non-cardiac surgery as well as therapy with a variety of medications such as bronchodilating beta agonists, various non-prescription cold remedies, antihistamines, local anesthetics, and caffeine containing beverages4.  Recent investigation has revealed that inflammation in the atria might play an important role in the initiation, maintenance, and perpetuation of AF.  Indeed, inflammatory markers such as interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein are elevated in patients with AF, particularly those individuals with chronic AF5.

Here are a number of  interesting but less well-known facts about AF: 

1) Therapy with digoxin does not prevent recurrent episodes of AF although beta blocker administration can accomplish this goal2,6. 

2) Idiopathic or “lone” AF is not as benign an entity as once thought.  Jouven and colleagues observed a 4 fold increase in cardiovascular mortality and a 2 fold increase in all cause mortality for middle-aged Frenchmen with lone AF7.  A recent community based study from Omstead County in Minnesota and the EuroHeart Failure Survey  demonstrated that patients with newly diagnosed AF with or without heart failure had a high mortality risk as well as prolonged hospitalization, especially within the first 4 months following diagnosis8,9.  Of further concern are recent reports that AF in patients w



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